With every passing year, heating oil continues its evolvement into a newer, cleaner and more efficient fuel. That’s why you should feel good about heating your home with oil — now and in the future.
Cleaner than ever
Our country continues to make great strides in reducing greenhouse-gas emissions, and heating oil is certainly doing its part. The oil heat industry has made many improvements that have significantly increased oil heat’s efficiency and cleanliness, especially when it comes to the vast reductions of sulfur levels.
Heating oil has been transformed into an ultra-low-sulfur blend; this fuel contains 99% less sulfur than conventional heating oil. The switch to ultra-low sulfur heating oil will result in a reduction in emissions of over 70%, compared with the emissions produced by heating oil from the past.
What ultra-low sulfur heating oil means for you
A buildup of sulfur in the heating system can lead to system maintenance issues. The drastic reduction of sulfur in heating oil means that there will be far fewer system issues, which will lead to lower maintenance costs.
✅ Because there is virtually no sulfur in the heating system now thanks to ultra-low sulfur fuel, your heating oil system can burn the fuel more efficiently, leading to lower heating bills.
✅ While regular heating oil has been very clean for decades, ultra-low sulfur heating oil (ULSHO) is even cleaner, producing near-zero particulate emissions.
✅ ULSHO allows for the introduction of super-efficient heating systems, which are already being used with great results outside of the United States.
✅ ULSHO requires no modifications to your existing system.
This is only the beginning. The quality of heating oil will get even better in the years ahead. And that’s good news for the environment!
What’s the bad news for the environment?
In contrast to the great strides heating oil has made in terms of its impact on the environment, serious concerns are being raised about the negative effects of other heating fuels.
The aging infrastructure of natural gas pipelines are being strained to capacity, especially during extreme cold spells. Many of these old pipelines are also leaking methane — a damaging greenhouse gas —into the atmosphere.
Electricity is also not a clean fuel. Electricity production generates the second largest share of greenhouse gas emissions. More than 63% of our electricity comes from burning fossil fuels, mostly coal and natural gas.*
*Source: https://www.eia.gov/energyexplained/electricity/electricity-in-the-us.php
Endless hot water for less money
Many of our customers now use their boilers not only to heat their homes, but to produce hot water for showers, hot tubs, washing machines, dishwashers — you name it. And they get it virtually free in the winter.
It’s called an indirect-fired water heater, and if you have a boiler, it can be a phenomenal option.
Anytime your boiler is heating your home, your indirect water heater works for free. It’s like having your cake and eating it too. A traditional stand-alone water heater has to use gas or electricity to keep that water hot. And that’s a huge waste of money.
If you have a natural gas or electric water heater that is 10 years old or older, start checking out your options today!
How efficient is heating oil?
Today’s heating oil systems can save you, on average, 20% or more on your annual heating costs compared to older systems. Here are five other quick points about heating oil efficiency.
1. New oil heat systems have efficiency ratings as high as 95%; this provides oil-heated homes with more warmth for less fuel.
2. Homeowners now need an average of 500 gallons less oil to heat their homes each year than in the past. That’s because new oil heating systems are much more efficient than those from a generation ago.
3. The average boilers and furnaces today are compact yet powerful, and similar in size to a three-drawer filing cabinet.
4. Many new oil boilers use energy-saving controls that greatly reduce fuel usage during mildly cold weather and provide a more even heat with fewer temperature swings.
5. High-efficiency oil furnaces feature variable speed motors that use about 80% less electricity than older motors and provide more consistent airflow and temperatures.
Today’s oil storage tanks
If your oil tank is more than 30 years old, it’s a good idea to replace it. While it’s true that oil tanks last many years, they eventually do give out. Life spans vary depending on the humidity, the thickness of the steel and more.
Today’s oil tanks are light-years ahead of old models. The new generation of aboveground tanks feature:
✅ sleek designs
✅ leak-detection system
✅ long-term warranties.
✅ double-wall construction that includes an outer tank of corrosion-resistant galvanized steel
If that’s not enough, new aboveground tanks generally can be installed in small or unusually shaped spaces.
Today’s tanks provide peace of mind and convenience — in addition to all the other benefits of heating your home with oil!