Stay with Heating Oil — Save Money

Technology has brought big improvements in efficiency, significantly reducing fuel consumption and heating expenses. Count on seeing more positive changes in the future.

Avoid Expensive Conversion Costs

There are amazing advances taking place right now in the heating oil industry that have many people excited — except for those who are pushing so hard for the total electrification of homes, including the way you’re allowed to heat them.

Unfortunately, the fact that the heating oil industry is already moving toward achieving net-zero carbon emissions has been virtually ignored. But efforts by government officials to mitigate the impact of climate change have instead focused solely on supporting conversions to electric heat pumps. That’s an extremely expensive path to take, even with rebates being heavily promoted as an incentive to convert.

How expensive is it? Data from three heat pump conversion programs in the Northeast showed that homeowners would pay anywhere from $17,260 to $25,829 for a whole-house conversion to heat pumps.* We’re sure you will not be surprised when we tell you that a high-efficiency heating oil furnace would cost substantially less than this.

*Source: uploads/pdf/Cost-of-Residendial-Air-Source-Heat-Pumps- Uglietto.pdf

Too Much, Too Soon

It should be obvious that rapid mass-scale conversions to heat pumps will put a tremendous new strain on our fragile electric grid, which is already prone to numerous power outages. Trying to phase out traditional fuels like heating oil, propane and natural gas puts all our carbon reduction eggs into one expensive, untested basket. It’s too much, too soon. This speeding heat pump train we may be forced to ride will undoubtedly raise the risk of rolling blackouts during periods of extreme cold or oppressive heat.

Concerns about Parts and Labor

In many states, there are not enough contractors with the skills to install heat pumps.* Just like any other heating or cooling system, the equipment you get is only as good as the contractor who installs it.

The lack of available replacement parts needed for heat pump repairs has raised further concerns. We mostly import heat pumps from overseas, yet a spokesman for Rewiring America, an electrification nonprofit group, recently described the U.S. heat pump supply chain as “not too bad,” but he added that “investment is needed…(to prevent) future complications, especially as the market grows.”**

Sources: * **

Priceless Peace of Mind Service

You can always expect a fast and courteous response from us whenever you need help. We think that’s one of the most important differences between the big utility companies and local heating fuel companies like us.

Utilities have been conditioned to think more about numbers than people, in large part because they are monopolies that are more focused on financial and operational aspects than on customer service. In this respect, they are the opposite of heating fuel companies that know your neighborhood — and know you. Think about it: who would you rather call when you have a heating emergency?

You Get More for Your Energy Dollar

Heating oil packs a wallop of heating energy, providing comfort and efficiency. For every gallon of oil burned, nearly 140,000 Btu’s of heat are produced. That’s the equivalent of about 70,000 60-watt light bulbs! And that’s why heating oil consumers get a whole lot more for their heating dollars than those who heat their homes with natural gas or heat pumps.

New technologies have dramatically increased the efficiency of heating with oil. Because of these advances, homeowners who heat with oil typically use 50% fewer gallons per year than in the 1970s — 700 gallons now vs. 1,400 gallons back then.*

*Source: National Oilheat Research Alliance.

Numbers That May Shock You

  • A recent study concluded that policy-driven electrification would increase the average residential household energy-related costs by approximately 38% to 46%, resulting in an increase to the average affected residential household of between $750 and $910 per year.*
  • Many U.S. states propose an energy transition similar to Germany, whose citizens now pay about 300% more for electricity on average than U.S. customers.**
  • Only 12% of U.S. power comes from solar and wind, which cannot be dispatched when needed or expanded without further degrading grid reliability.**
  • Electrification advocates argue grid-scale storage is the solution, powered by 100% wind and solar. This will require at least double the amount of today’s installed generating capacity.**
  • A large percentage of U.S. electricity is still sourced from natural gas, which is primarily composed of methane, a potent greenhouse gas.*** *Implications of Policy-Driven Residential Electrification.
    **Testimony of energy expert Mark P. Mills at the U.S. House Select Committee on the Climate Crisis, 2/15/22.
    ***U.S. Energy Information Administration ****